
Store Your Belongings with Daymakers: Your Trusted Storage Partner

In many instances when people relocate, they tend to rent first. This gives them time to feel out the area and make sure they love it before buying a home. Renting a temporary home or apartment may also result in not enough space for all of their belongings, causing them to search for storage. Daymakers’ state-of-the-art storage facility in Hudson, WI is ready to hold your items until you’re ready for them. Our secure, clean, humidity-controlled storage units are the perfect place for your household items until you find your perfect home. When you’re ready for them, we can bring your things to you with fast, efficient delivery from our storage facility to your new home!

We Only Cover

Superior units

humidity controlled

humidity controlled

The Daymakers difference is our state-of-the-art humidity control system. Moisture levels in the air are monitored around the clock, with high-capacity industrial humidifiers and dehumidifiers that automatically maintain humidity between 35 and 55 percent. This means wood and leather will not crack or split in dry conditions, electronics will not corrode or be compromised by moisture, and fabrics and paper items won’t become musty and moldy.

safe & secure

safe & secure

Security is a priority, and our facility and individual units are protected by advanced technology. If you need to access your unit, you can at any time – just call and a Daymakers employee will meet you there to ensure your safety and assist as needed.
dust & rodent free

dust & rodent free

What about dust and pests – you ask? We have high-end dust suppression and pest control systems to make sure your items stay as clean as possible and are ready to use, whenever you have a place or need for them. We’ve taken the extra steps because we know how frustrating it can be to pay for storage, only to end up paying more to replace things that were not properly protected.

we do the heavy lifting

we do the heavy lifting

No need to worry about loading, stacking, or moving things around – our strong, experienced movers can help. We help you move things from your home or business into a unit or move things around to fit better once inside. All you need to do is call us to make the arrangements and we will be there to meet your moving and storage needs.

Want to learn More? Contact Us today for your

All of our units are available for short- and long-term rentals, with flexible terms because we know life doesn’t always follow a contract schedule. We also offer added services like packing and stacking to make sure every item is well-placed for its own protection. Need recommendations for out-of-town storage? We can do that AND help with transportation, too.