
Save Money on Your Next Move!

As a 5-star moving company serving the Minnesota and Wisconsin community, we believe in packing value into all that we do. Because the first thing you unpack shouldn't be aspirin.

How to Pack Your Kitchen for Moving Day Effectively

Siblings help with packing cardboard boxes for moving house

For those who have moved before, you probably remember the kitchen being the most time-consuming when packing it up. You don’t realize how many items you have in your kitchen until it’s time to organize and pack things up. Many people make the mistake of just throwing everything in boxes and moving on to the next room. Sure, you can do that if you want… or, you can let us explain to you how to effectively pack your kitchen for moving day.

Preparation is a key step before packing up your kitchen. This is when you take a look around, open a garbage bag, and dispose of everything you don’t need or want. It’s a good idea to start with the refrigerator. Check for expired items, empty bottles, or leftovers that you told yourself you were going to heat up for lunch but never did.

Go through your cabinets and throw out any cups that might be chipped, stained, broken, or just taking up too much space. You know, like that 2-ft cowboy boot cup you got at last year’s country music festival.

Leave Essentials Out
You might be wondering – why would I leave things out if I’m moving? Great question. So, here’s a question for you; have you ever tried to do anything without coffee? You don’t want to pack up ALL of your food, coffee, drinks, etc. too far in advance. Leave your coffee maker out so you can make some before the movers come, keep a few snacks out because you might get hungry, and definitely don’t pack away water bottles.

If you have a really fancy coffee maker and you want to make sure that it’s packed nicely, go grab a Box of Joe from Dunkin’ in the morning!

Packing Plates, Glasses, Etc.
Packing up your fragile items from your kitchen can be scary. You’ll probably visualize your plates in pieces when you open the box back up. There are many ways to pack them safely and a professional moving company will ensure that they don’t break during the transport.

Place bubble wrap or a towel down into the box, place your first plate, put either bubble wrap or some type of protective paper down on top of the first plate, and then stack the next one. Repeat this process until you have a full box.

You can also bubble wrap each plate, but that will take up more space in the box.

For glasses, it’s kind of the same idea but putting paper inside the cups and stacking them. This will make sure they don’t slam into each other.

If you have kitchen towels, a great way to pack those is to make a barrier around your fragile items. This way, they’re being packed AND protecting other items.

Packing Flatware
A great way to pack your flatware up without taking too much space is to combine each type together (forks with the forks, spoons with the spoons) and rubberband them. If each type is its own kind, they form into their shapes well and make it easier for you to tie them together and place them either into the box as is or into plastic bags. You can also put them into bags and pop them into your pots and pans. Now you’re killing many birds with one box!

The Refrigerator… Dun, Dun, Dun
If you are bringing your refrigerator with you, make sure you completely clean it out. Pack up all of the food you are bringing in boxes or coolers, wipe everything down, turn the ice-maker off, and ensure it is drained of any liquid. Don’t worry about lifting that bad boy on your own – that’s what a moving company is for!

Don’t Forget!
Don’t forget about your kitchen decorations! Many people focus on the main parts of their kitchen and forget a clock on the wall, a calendar, art, etc. Go through and make sure nothing is left over. Magnets, rooster salt & pepper shakers, curtains, key hooks, and more. After you think you’re finished with the kitchen, take a slow walk around and make sure.

Ok! Now that you have a nice list explaining the best ways to pack up your kitchen, it’s time to look for a professional moving company! Daymakers Moving & Storage has your back with packing, moving, unpacking, and more. Head to our website for a FREE QUOTE and we’ll get back to you ASAP! We’re excited to start this exciting journey with you!

Save Money on Your Next Move!

As a 5-star moving company serving the Minnesota and Wisconsin community, we believe in packing value into all that we do. Fill out the form and receive a free moving estimate.

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