Moving into a new home is a big event in your life. You’re essentially starting from scratch when it comes to exploring your new place, decorating, and getting used to the neighborhood. Settling into your new home will be a lot easier and a lot less stressful if you follow our recommended steps, post-move.
Step 1. Change Your Address
Once you move, changing your address is very important if you want to get your magazine subscriptions, official documents, holiday cards, and yes – even bills. Make sure to fill out a ‘change-of-address’ from the post office and contact your bank to let them in on the news. You’ll need to change your personal information on many platforms – especially when updating your license.
Doing this as soon as you move in will get it off your plate and give you some relief, knowing everything has been updated.
Step 2. Set Up Your New Utilities
You can’t comfortably live in your new home without electricity, gas, water, cable, internet, and whatever else utilities you use. It’s smart to get a jump start and schedule these appointments for the day you move in as well as that week. Again, get these out of the way ASAP so you can focus on the fun part of moving!
Step 3. Stay Organized
We know you’re picturing your new home on the first day full of boxes, and that’s normal. However, if you have an organized plan set ahead of time, it’ll make your unpacking much easier. For example, make sure to label your boxes so you know what goes where. You don’t want to unpack all of the bathroom stuff in the kitchen, do you? Knowing all of your belongings are in the correct spots, waiting to be unpacked will make your move-in day much smoother.
Step 4. Guide Children & Pets
Both children and pets might have a difficult time adjusting to a new home. Set up your pets’ beds, toys, litter boxes, and food bowls in their designated areas and be sure to show them where it all is. They’ll be confused at first, but once they visit their things more than once – they should be ok.
When it comes to your children, walk them to their new rooms and make a big deal about how great it is. This will get them excited and more comfortable, knowing they’re going to be sleeping in a totally different place from now on.
Starting with unpacking the necessities like the children’s beds, clothes, night lights, and the pets’ things will set your first night up to run smoother and stress-free.
Step 5. Explore the Community
Now that you’re all moved into your new place, it’s a good idea to take a break from unpacking and organizing and go out to explore your new community. Walk by the nearest park with your kids, let the dog sniff everything from start to finish, or scope out the closest coffee place. Driving by the kids’ school will get them familiar with what it will look like when they first start and set their expectations with excitement.
Hopefully, these 5 steps will give you a jumpstart on settling into your new home with less stress and more preparation. Moving is a big deal and if your moving day isn’t planned out ahead of time to make an easy settling, the more stressful it’ll be.
If you need moving assistance, please reach out to Daymakers Moving & Storage today. You can access a free quote on our website and follow us on social media!
We look forward to hearing from you!