Moving requires a lot of coordination and planning. It’s not one of those things that you decide to do one day and take off with the idea. It’s important to create a game plan to follow from the minute you decide to move out of your current home and relocate. Instead of scrambling, trying to figure out what to do — we’ve put together a list specifically for planning a realistic moving timeline!
Three Months Prior
Clean Out Your Belongings
-Sell any large items that would take up unnecessary space in the truck and your new home, such as furniture
-Donate clothing or other items to charity
-Give away items to friends, family, or neighbors
-Trash any broken or useless items
Grab Packing Supplies
-Moving requires a lot of boxes, tape, bubble wrap, etc. If you’re buying these yourself, you’ll need to compile them as soon as possible. You can also ask around to see if anyone has supplies that you can borrow/have.
-Daymakers Moving & Storage can also supply you with moving supplies if you’re moving with us!
-It’s a good idea to start budgeting earlier than later, so you know what you can afford when it comes to hiring movers, getting supplies (if the movers you choose do not supply them), hiring a cleaning company, or buying cleaning supplies.
Six Weeks Prior
Decide How You Plan to Move
-You’ll need to determine how you’re going to move. Are you going to ask friends and family to help or are you going to want to hire a moving company?
Start Researching Moving Companies
-If you choose to hire a moving company, you want to start your research NOW. Check out any companies that are in your area, ones that do long-distance moving if necessary, companies that may have storage facilities, etc.
-It’s a great idea to compile a list and then start checking the social proof and reviews. Check out their websites, Google reviews, social media reviews, and posts, etc.
-We CAN tell you that Daymakers offers a FREE QUOTE off the bat and we pride ourselves on the upfront costs and accurate quotes. We also have a 5-star rating on Google, many awards, and many praising our services on social media.
One Month Prior
Start Spreading the News
-As Frank Sinatra says, “start spreading the news!” A month before your move, you’ll want to notify your utility companies, banks, insurance providers, post office, and anyone else that may need to know. It’s important to get your new address ready for the mail, billing, etc., ahead of time so you’re not scattered when you move into your new home.
Think About the New New
-Now is a good time to start thinking about the new furniture you may need, dishware, carpets, shower curtains — everything! Planning out what you want/need for your new home ahead of time really helps.
-It’s also a great idea to finalize the paint colors and aesthetic of each part of your house so you have a game plan to start on.
Four-legged friends
-Be sure you figure out what you’re doing with your animals ahead of time. Whether they are going with a friend, to daycare, or staying home — it’s important to figure this out ahead of time!
Three Weeks Prior
Get Packing!
-If you’re doing the packing on your own (Daymakers also offers packing services), you’ll want to start now! Pack up the items that you don’t see yourself needing or using within the next three weeks. Also, remember to label by room so you don’t find yourself in an unorganized, confused mess when you move in.
Rent Your Truck
If you’re not going the easy way out & hiring a moving company, now is the time you need to rent a truck. Make sure you get quotes from multiple providers to get the best deal.
One Week Prior
-You should have most of your items packed up by now, allowing space for you to clean the house. If the walls need to be magic-erased, get started. If the floors need shining or vacuuming, get that done. Anything you can clean — this week is a good time to do so.
-There’s nothing wrong with confirming with your moving company. We have you on the books and we’re ready, but there’s nothing wrong with being efficient and confirming a week before — mainly for your own peace of mind.
Moving Day!
Important Items
-Moving day has arrived! Be sure to have all of your important items with you or put them somewhere where they won’t get lost in the shuffle.
-If you decide to keep your animal home during the move, make sure he/she is put somewhere safe. The last thing you want is for your dog/cat/etc. to take off during this busy day!
Let’s get moving. Now it’s time to start your next adventure. We hope this timeline gives you some help when starting to plan your big day! If you need a reliable moving company, head to our website to GET A FREE QUOTE! We can’t wait to hear from you!