You made sure all of your favorite books are packed, your kids’ trophies, electronics, and clothing… but why does it feel like you’re missing something? When you’re packing to move to a new home, chances are, you will probably forget to pack some things. This is extremely common, and because of that, Daymakers wanted to provide you with a list of things people often forget to pack when moving so you don’t miss anything!
Unless you use the tools you have frequently, you’ll probably forget to pack them. You know, hammers, screwdrivers, tape measures, flashlights, etc. – the things that are hidden away in a drawer somewhere in your garage. When you get to your new home and realize you don’t have any tools to assist you when hanging decor or putting furniture together, the frustration will set in. Make sure you thoroughly go through every part of your home that you don’t use often to make sure you didn’t leave anything behind.
Hooks are SO easy to leave behind, especially door hooks. Do you have any on your wall near the front door for your keys? How about behind your bathroom door for robes and towels? You don’t want to have to run to the store to get more hooks to install just because you left them at your previous home. Scan all of the walls and check behind each door before you leave!
If you don’t have to open the medicine cabinet often, that’s a good thing! However, you may forget to pack that. Open your bathroom cabinets and before you start packing away your medicine, check the expiration date on everything. What’s the point of packing meds if they’re not going to be good in a week?
Shower Curtain
Even though shower curtains are right in front of your face, you may end up missing them. Sometimes it IS the things right in front of you that you miss – just like the pesky ketchup bottle in the fridge. Check each bathroom thoroughly and try to remember to take note of both the shower curtain, the liner, AND the shower curtain hooks.
Plunger / Toilet Cleaner
As silly as it may sound, not having a plunger handy in your new home could be the worst! Imagine getting to your new place and realizing the new toilet isn’t flushing too well… exactly. It’s also easy to miss your toilet cleaner if you use a wand with the refill sponges. These normally sit on the other side of your toilet, opposite to your plunger, so it’s definitely easy to forget about. Sure, you can always pick up a new one – but why do that if the one you had was perfectly fine?
Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is a big one. If you have a good amount of rolls left, hiding in a cabinet, try not to forget them! Toilet paper is not cheap these days, and you’ll be angry at yourself for leaving them behind. We’ll say it again, check every cabinet!
Chargers and Plug-ins
Phone chargers, camera chargers, and even those scent-releasing wallflowers are some of the most popular items people leave behind. When you’re packing, you think of the things you have sitting around you, not the items on the wall. No plug-in should be left behind!
Packing up food is a big task. Start with your pantry and continue with every cabinet or drawer you may have food stored in. While doing this, have a garbage bag handy, and be sure to check all of the expiration dates before throwing them in a box. You don’t want to pack up and move spaghetti sauce from 2014, right?
That’s a wrap!
These items are the most popular things that are often left behind by people who are moving to a new home. When you’re starting your packing process, be sure to refer to this blog so you can get a refresher on the things you may end up missing!
If you need help moving, packing, storing, etc., grab a FREE QUOTE on our website and we’ll get back to you ASAP! We’re so excited to start this journey with you.